Tenant & Property Owner Resources

Understand your rights as a tenant or property owner, and get help with issues related to rent increases or evictions.

For housing services and rent-related matters

Have you lost income due to the COVID-19 pandemic and are at risk of losing your home? Oakland residents may be eligible for financial assistance to pay rent and other housing costs. Learn more >

Know Your Rights & Responsibilities

Learn more about the Residential Rental Property Laws in Oakland and contact organizations that protect tenant and property owner rights in Oakland.

Get Help with Evictions

Get help if you might be evicted. Resolve housing disputes and avoid getting displaced.

Get Help with Rent Increases

Find out what increases are allowed, or submit a petition to the Rent Adjustment Program for allowable exceptions. Tenants may challenge a rent increase if they believe it is more than the allowed increase.

Online Services & Resources

Homelessness Prevention Pilot
Bay Area Community Services (BACS) is providing emergency financial assistance and care coordination services to Oakland residents. Funding is extremely limited.

Legal Services, Eviction Defense, and Emergency Financial Assistance
Centro Legal De La Raza strives to stop displacement and stabilize communities through eviction defense, drop-in legal clinics, administrative hearings before rent boards, and more.

Tenants seeking to apply for free legal services should contact Centro Legal via phone at (510) 437-1554 or via email at tenantsrights@centrolegal.org. There are very limited emergency financial assistance funds.

Alameda County Housing Secure
Alameda County Housing Secure is a collaborative of legal services providers partnering to prevent displacement throughout Almada County.

There is very limited rental assistance available for Oakland residents contingent upon Alameda County funding availability. For more information: https://www.ac-housingsecure.org/tenant

Posted: January 28th, 2021 7:36 PM

Last Updated: August 10th, 2023 1:44 PM