Evaluation Question Examples

A blank page can intimidate any writer. The same goes for evaluators – that “evaluation questions” column in your evaluation plan may be daunting. Looking at examples of real-world evaluation questions just might inspire your own.

We’ve already covered how to write good evaluation questions. As a quick reminder, your evaluation questions should be developed collaboratively and be open-ended. You can look to strategic plans or relevant quality frameworks for thematic guidance. Most importantly, be sure to edit until you’re sure the language is just right.

The examples below are grouped by content area, but with slight changes, can apply to many different evaluation projects. If you’re new to evaluation, we hope these examples can help you write questions that apply to the initiative you’re evaluating. If you have some evaluation experience already, watch for an upcoming post sharing evaluation question examples at different stages of the evaluation and learning cycle.

Youth Programming

Healthcare Initiatives

Environmental Initiatives

Education & Training Programs

Collective Impact

We hope these evaluation question examples have inspired some of your own. Perhaps you’re wondering how these questions may change based on your evaluation framework or approach? Check this out!

Wondering how to document your evaluation questions? Download our free Evaluation Plan Template.

To learn more about applying evaluation in practice, check out more of our articles, or connect with us over on Twitter (@EvalAcadmey) or LinkedIn.