H.R. 266: Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act

Apr 23, 2020 at 6:10 p.m. ET. On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Concur in the Senate Amendment in the House.

This was a vote to pass H.R. 266 (116th) in the House. This vote was taken under a House procedure called “suspension of the rules” which is typically used to pass non-controversial bills. Votes under suspension require a 2/3rds majority. A failed vote under suspension can be taken again.

The federal government has enacted four main stimulus laws in response to the covid-19 pandemic. Here’s a brief rundown of what each of these legislative actions did.

Phase 1: Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act

The law

The economic impact of the virus had barely hit at this point, with most shutdowns and stay-at-home orders arriving between one and two weeks later. Accordingly, the money here was primarily for measures such as vaccine development and public health funding, with most dollars going to agencies within the Department of Health and Human Services.

81% of funds were allocated domestically, with the other 19% allocated internationally. The virus had only killed 11 Americans when this law was passed. U.S. deaths have since surpassed 85,000.

It was introduced in the House on March 4 as bill number H.R. 6074, by Rep. Nita Lowy (D-NY17), Chair of the House Appropriations Committee.

House vote

It passed the House by 415–2, with only Republican Reps. Andy Biggs (R-AZ5) and Ken Buck (R-CO4) opposing.

The White House had originally requested about $2.5 billion in late February. House Democrats, who took the lead on crafting the chamber’s version of the legislation, more than tripled that amount in the final bill. Reps. Biggs and Buck opposed it on those grounds.

“In true Washington, D.C. fashion, congressional appropriators turned the president’s reasonable $2.5 billion request into a bloated $8.3 billion package. By passing this larded-up bill, Congress again fails to wisely appropriate taxpayer dollars,” Rep. Biggs said in a press release.”I would have supported the president’s request for $2.5 billion, knowing that, if we spent all the funds, Congress could have provided additional funding.”

“Since day one, Democrats have politicized the coronavirus. The president’s initial $2.5 billion request was a thoughtful proposal to address our coronavirus response needs. In typical fashion, the House passed a spending package of $8.3 billion with vague plans about how the extra money would be spent,” Rep. Buck said in a press release. “Throwing money at a problem without adequate forethought is not the answer.”

Reps. Biggs and Buck also voted against subsequent covid-19 relief bills.

Senate vote

Then it passed the Senate by 96–1, with only Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) opposing. Sen. Paul had introduced an amendment to pay for the legislation by revoking planned payments for other expenditures, such as the government agency the Inter-American Foundation which (among other things) once helped fund a school for circus arts in Argentina.

“I support our government’s efforts to fight the coronavirus. We also owe it to the American people to do it in a way that avoids piling billions more in debt on their backs,” Sen. Paul said in a press release. “My amendment responsibly uses taxpayer resources by reducing waste to pay for this new spending.”

The Senate voted to table (or remove) Paul’s amendment by 81–15. All votes against tabling — in other words, to keep the amendment in — came from Republicans, although the party still largely supported tabling it by 37–15.

Sen. Paul cast the lone Senate vote against the final bill in protest.

Phase 2: Families First Coronavirus Response Act

The law

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act was enacted a week and a half later on March 18, the period when everything began shutting down in earnest and President Trump officially declared a national emergency. The law’s $104 billion cost was about a dozen times the prior law, but still a fraction of the $831 billion for 2009’s Great Recession stimulus package.

Among phase two’s major provisions included:

It was introduced on March 11 as bill number H.R. 6201, again by House Appropriations Committee Chair Rep. Nita Lowy (D-NY17).

House vote

It passed the House by 363–40, with one member voting “present.” All 40 votes of opposition came from Republicans.

The opposing Republicans’ worries were primarily economic. “It looks like a worker will be worse off under this bill by getting paid up to 10 weeks of wages at the bill’s mandated 2/3’s rate as ‘public health emergency leave’ instead of receiving workers compensation, because workers comp is non-taxable though employer paid leave is taxable,” Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX1) wrote.

The one lawmaker who voted “present” — refusing to take a stand one way or the other — was Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan, at the time an independent who has since joined the Libertarian Party. Amash claimed House leaders gave members only half an hour to review the bill before voting on it.

“Without time to confer with the drafters or others, we couldn’t determine why businesses with 500 or more employees are exempt from the paid emergency leave and FMLA [Family Medical Leave Act] requirements,” Rep. Amash tweeted. “An improper Wall Street carveout or is there some other justification?”

Senate vote

The Senate then passed it by 90–8. All eight votes in opposition came from Republicans.

The eight Republicans voiced similar concerns as Rep. Gohmert above, particularly regarding business mandates for paid sick leave and family leave. Several Republican senators introduced an amendment to strike those mandates and replace it with loosened eligibility for unemployment insurance.

The amendment received more support than opposition, by 50–48, but required three-fifths to pass. Republicans largely supported it 48–3, while Democrats largely opposed it 2–43.

Phase 3: Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act

The law

This was the big one. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was enacted another week and a half later on March 27.

If anything, “the big one” may be an understatement. It was by far the most expensive single spending bill ever enacted in American history, at about $2.2 trillion. For context, in just one single law, Congress spent about half the $4.4 trillion it had spent in the *entire *previous fiscal year.

At 335 pages, it would be impossible to summarize all of the law’s provisions, but the most important included:

Technically, the bill was originally introduced more than a year prior in January 2019 as bill number H.R. 748 by Rep. Joe Courtney (D-CT2). That original legislation was used as a “shell” and largely replaced with new coronavirus-related provisions in March 2020.

Senate vote

The Senate passed it unanimously by 96–0. Four Republican senators didn’t vote.

Yet the chamber’s passage was hardly guaranteed, as the first two cloture votes for the bill — essentially a “vote on whether to vote” — both failed. Senate Democrats opposed early iterations of the bill because it “included a large corporate bailout provision with no protections for workers and virtually no oversight,” Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said.

With three-fifths required, the first cloture vote tied 47–47. Democrats unanimously opposed it 0–45, while Republicans almost entirely supported it 47–1. The lone Republican no vote was Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), who did so as a procedural move allowing him to call up the vote again.

The next day, the cloture vote received majority support by 49–46, but still fell short of the three-fifths required. Republicans supported it unanimously 48–0 while Democrats almost entirely opposed 1–44, with only Sen. Doug Jones (R-AL) in support.

Finally, after Senate leaders hammered out some compromises, the third time was the charm.

House vote

It looked possible that the House wouldn’t pass it either, not due to lack of support, but due to lack of sufficient representatives physically in the room because of social distancing.

Under an obscure congressional rule called a “quorum,” at least half of all House members are supposed to be physically present for a vote to occur. In practice, that rule is often waved. But if a member who opposes a bill “calls a quorum,” asking for a count of the number of members in the chamber, they can hold up a bill if less than half of House members are physically present.

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY4) attempted to do just that. “I came here to make sure our republic doesn’t die by unanimous consent in an empty chamber, and I request a recorded vote,” he said on the House floor. His request was quickly shot down by Rep. Anthony Brown (D-MD4), who was presiding over the chamber at the time. The bill then passed by a voice vote, a speedier process in which no record of members’ individual votes was taken.

President Trump called for Rep. Massie to be thrown out of the Republican Party as punishment. Currently, Rep. Massie remains a Republican.

“Phase 3.5”: Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act

The law

Unlike the previous two laws, this one did not increase unemployment insurance funding nor create any new mandates for businesses. About three-quarters of the money went to replenish the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) for small businesses, with the rest going to public health measures such as virus testing and hospital funding.

Some have nicknamed this “phase 3.5,” with the expectation that Congress will soon pass a much larger law once again in May or June that will more deservedly merit the “phase 4” nickname. However, at $484 billion, this “phase 3.5” law actually costs far more than either “phase 1” or “phase 2” did.

Congressional votes

The House vote was 388–5. Four Republicans opposed it over similar concerns as before, namely economics and spending. One Democrat also opposed it, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY14), claiming its priorities weren’t sufficiently progressive.

“It is a joke when Republicans say that they have urgency around this bill. The only folks that they have urgency around are Ruth’s Chris Steak House and Shake Shack. Those are the people getting assistance in this bill. You are not trying to fix this bill for mom-and-pops,” Rep. Ocasio-Cortez said on the House floor in late April. “It is unconscionable. If you had urgency, you would legislate like rent was due on May 1, and make sure that we include rent and mortgage relief for our constituents.”

Once again, Rep. Justin Amash was the lone House member to vote “present,” refusing to weigh in either way.

“Layoffs are still planned for companies getting targeted bailouts. PPP’s complex rules limit its usefulness for many businesses, and the program favors businesses that may be in less need of government support,” Rep. Amash tweeted. “Now that leaders have dumped it in our laps, it’s no surprise that the bill adds funds to PPP without fixing the problems within PPP or within the broader relief package. It’s inexcusable to double down on a flawed approach that continues to fail the people we represent.”

The Senate vote was by voice vote, a procedure used for relatively noncontroversial legislation, in which no record of individual senators’ votes is recorded.

Vote Outcome

Passed. 2/3 Required. Source: house.gov.

Ideology Vote Chart Democrat - Yea Republican - Yea Democrat - Nay Republican - Nay

Seat position based on our ideology score.

Cartogram Map

Each hexagon represents one congressional district. Dark shaded hexes are Yea votes.

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Vote Details

The Speaker of the House is not required to vote in “ordinary legislative proceedings, except when such vote would be decisive.” In practice, this means the Speaker of the House rarely votes and only does so when it is politically useful. When the Speaker declines to vote, he or she is simply omitted from the roll call by the House Clerk. (See House Rules, Rule I(7).)

“Aye” and “Yea” mean the same thing, and so do “No” and “Nay”. Congress uses different words in different sorts of votes.

The U.S. Constitution says that bills should be decided on by the “yeas and nays” (Article I, Section 7). Congress takes this literally and uses “yea” and “nay” when voting on the final passage of bills.

All Senate votes use these words. But the House of Representatives uses “Aye” and “No” in other sorts of votes.

Download as CSV
Vote District Party Representative Score
Yea NC 12 th D Adams, Alma 0.2290267014723898
Yea CA 31 st D Aguilar, Pete 0.29842457676753736
Yea TX 32 nd D Allred, Colin 0.3748099528994628
Yea IA 3 rd D Axne, Cynthia 0.38969983583008505
Yea CA 37 th D Bass, Karen 0.1493789514113457
Yea OH 3 rd D Beatty, Joyce 0.29567545389669786
Yea CA 7 th D Bera, Ami 0.3848660265069832
Yea VA 8 th D Beyer, Donald 0.23484940838144666
Yea GA 2 nd D Bishop, Sanford 0.4148041027331432
Yea OR 3 rd D Blumenauer, Earl 0.18645182628933574
Yea DE D Blunt Rochester, Lisa 0.2624568473171881
Yea OR 1 st D Bonamici, Suzanne 0.22428899820784737
Yea PA 2 nd D Boyle, Brendan 0.3138870818886427
Yea NY 22 nd D Brindisi, Anthony 0.44802938010865206
Yea MD 4 th D Brown, Anthony 0.24440657468083515
Yea CA 26 th D Brownley, Julia 0.29532934169372543
Yea IL 17 th D Bustos, Cheri 0.3829985570614906
Yea NC 1 st D Butterfield, G.K. 0.2752123620113183
Yea CA 24 th D Carbajal, Salud 0.27335406790642786
Yea IN 7 th D Carson, André 0.16941689226897477
Yea PA 8 th D Cartwright, Matt 0.34614937025778114
Yea HI 1 st D Case, Ed 0.27581578908572607
Yea IL 6 th D Casten, Sean 0.24950617035229336
Yea FL 14 th D Castor, Kathy 0.21637517558927047
Yea TX 20 th D Castro, Joaquin 0.27947424303863017
Yea CA 27 th D Chu, Judy 0.1356186313512022
Yea RI 1 st D Cicilline, David 0.2148819874207831
Yea CA 39 th D Cisneros, Gilbert 0.28417136016663475
Yea MA 5 th D Clark, Katherine 0.21380160502811169
Yea NY 9 th D Clarke, Yvette 0.10691117495449928
Yea MO 1 st D Clay, Lacy 0.27689494756368205
Yea MO 5 th D Cleaver, Emanuel 0.2559039329012427
Yea SC 6 th D Clyburn, Jim 0.2678246635565491
Yea TN 9 th D Cohen, Steve 0.16843362269066162
Yea VA 11 th D Connolly, Gerald 0.30257038767901523
Yea TN 5 th D Cooper, Jim 0.3234995500649106
Yea CA 46 th D Correa, Luis 0.338370558051609
Yea CA 16 th D Costa, Jim 0.42612191108907627
Yea CT 2 nd D Courtney, Joe 0.37705850567489674
Yea CA 21 st D Cox, TJ 0.2956098709121844
Yea MN 2 nd D Craig, Angie 0.3371251152564902
Yea FL 13 th D Crist, Charlie 0.305247441557378
Yea CO 6 th D Crow, Jason 0.31326790201660193
Yea TX 28 th D Cuellar, Henry 0.5655840447085989
Yea SC 1 st D Cunningham, Joe 0.45260223506095026
Yea KS 3 rd D Davids, Sharice 0.3192046307432165
Yea IL 7 th D Davis, Danny 0.1843989626953695
Yea CA 53 rd D Davis, Susan 0.24791385515765219
Yea OR 4 th D DeFazio, Peter 0.3399707447736003
Yea CO 1 st D DeGette, Diana 0.27205252057946067
Yea CT 3 rd D DeLauro, Rosa 0.2232649779611554
Yea PA 4 th D Dean, Madeleine 0.23590045071031454
Yea WA 1 st D DelBene, Suzan 0.32199847496786976
Yea NY 19 th D Delgado, Antonio 0.38833507918299315
Yea FL 10 th D Demings, Val 0.25315507884419075
Yea FL 22 nd D Deutch, Ted 0.2899005362949395
Yea MI 12 th D Dingell, Debbie 0.23117456891271534
Yea PA 18 th D Doyle, Michael 0.30992143831936264
Yea NY 16 th D Engel, Eliot 0.22840947625637664
Yea TX 16 th D Escobar, Veronica 0.24518638237461934
Yea CA 18 th D Eshoo, Anna 0.2564811772131984
Yea NY 13 th D Espaillat, Adriano 0.11641622257032022
Yea PA 3 rd D Evans, Dwight 0.2023955795277119
Yea IA 1 st D Finkenauer, Abby 0.35174063921264437
Yea TX 7 th D Fletcher, Lizzie 0.35490229639414117
Yea IL 11 th D Foster, Bill 0.2927710242271994
Yea FL 21 st D Frankel, Lois 0.30031003485382046
Yea OH 11 th D Fudge, Marcia 0.19887927405951264
Yea HI 2 nd D Gabbard, Tulsi 0.35594065992959434
Yea AZ 7 th D Gallego, Ruben 0.2658700532721266
Yea CA 3 rd D Garamendi, John 0.3183405573634267
Yea TX 29 th D Garcia, Sylvia 0.22032224845043555
Yea IL 4 th D García, Chuy 0.11442844225449207
Yea ME 2 nd D Golden, Jared 0.3758978502597228
Yea CA 34 th D Gomez, Jimmy 0.2013081668716753
Yea TX 15 th D Gonzalez, Vicente 0.4563473301669917
Yea NJ 5 th D Gottheimer, Josh 0.5406098918957313
Yea TX 9 th D Green, Al 0.19943132452070697
Yea NM 1 st D Haaland, Debra 0.13178197044363615
Yea CA 10 th D Harder, Josh 0.3588932983712512
Yea CT 5 th D Hayes, Jahana 0.13026687293652722
Yea WA 10 th D Heck, Denny 0.34320890835787543
Yea NY 26 th D Higgins, Brian 0.2983082829976529
Yea CT 4 th D Himes, Jim 0.3231408635318213
Yea OK 5 th D Horn, Kendra 0.40724797790545203
Yea NV 4 th D Horsford, Steven 0.23700061507288797
Yea PA 6 th D Houlahan, Chrissy 0.33516148955603847
Yea MD 5 th D Hoyer, Steny 0.30412557886082014
Yea CA 2 nd D Huffman, Jared 0.22432338095097323
Yea TX 18 th D Jackson Lee, Sheila 0.10909568677694649
Yea WA 7 th D Jayapal, Pramila 0.09486459203432959
Yea NY 8 th D Jeffries, Hakeem 0.2141245152525962
Yea GA 4 th D Johnson, Hank 0.18329094532653198
Yea OH 9 th D Kaptur, Marcy 0.3066162243174364
Yea MA 9 th D Keating, William R. 0.3208751414837851
Yea IL 2 nd D Kelly, Robin 0.22934407313898264
Yea MA 4 th D Kennedy, Joseph P. 0.22445575991408737
Yea CA 17 th D Khanna, Ro 0.15898712134931345
Yea MI 5 th D Kildee, Daniel 0.28400213389563556
Yea WA 6 th D Kilmer, Derek 0.4099952775646369
Yea NJ 3 rd D Kim, Andy 0.3376691119127175
Yea WI 3 rd D Kind, Ron 0.5393868923549138
Yea AZ 2 nd D Kirkpatrick, Ann 0.38075074139162923
Yea IL 8 th D Krishnamoorthi, Raja 0.3063851230171094
Yea NH 2 nd D Kuster, Ann 0.38924540944211367
Yea PA 17 th D Lamb, Conor 0.36367246059748487
Yea RI 2 nd D Langevin, Jim 0.27895688756419934
Yea WA 2 nd D Larsen, Rick 0.26379219239117285
Yea CT 1 st D Larson, John 0.3135880260954968
Yea MI 14 th D Lawrence, Brenda 0.21143634122023808
Yea CA 13 th D Lee, Barbara 0.0
Yea NV 3 rd D Lee, Susie 0.34227211140734276
Yea MI 9 th D Levin, Andy 0.20561976905021886
Yea CA 49 th D Levin, Mike 0.26502819537196776
Yea IA 2 nd D Loebsack, David 0.45666233430410397
Yea NM 3 rd D Luján, Ben 0.30571146285614675
Yea VA 2 nd D Luria, Elaine 0.34818691655291334
Yea MA 8 th D Lynch, Stephen 0.23725690767101104
Yea NJ 7 th D Malinowski, Tom 0.29992407483437494
Yea NY 12 th D Maloney, Carolyn 0.18042498047836616
Yea NY 18 th D Maloney, Sean 0.29314160594624405
Yea CA 6 th D Matsui, Doris 0.25286189430769684
Yea UT 4 th D McAdams, Ben 0.41877257554459596
Yea GA 6 th D McBath, Lucy 0.3288446264001553
Yea MN 4 th D McCollum, Betty 0.22309263868560825
Yea VA 4 th D McEachin, Donald 0.23042879920148038
Yea MA 2 nd D McGovern, Jim 0.1490280297771472
Yea CA 9 th D McNerney, Jerry 0.20475337784269573
Yea NY 5 th D Meeks, Gregory 0.18597076443941696
Yea NY 6 th D Meng, Grace 0.23439270572123416
Yea NY 25 th D Morelle, Joseph 0.24760671985510319
Yea MA 6 th D Moulton, Seth 0.332793196975595
Yea FL 26 th D Mucarsel-Powell, Debbie 0.24480034686971275
Yea FL 7 th D Murphy, Stephanie 0.4022690126201013
Yea NY 10 th D Nadler, Jerrold 0.12578937085318603
Yea MA 1 st D Neal, Richard 0.3448838173648683
Yea CO 2 nd D Neguse, Joe 0.2605046800172648
Yea NJ 1 st D Norcross, Donald 0.33063876379711565
Yea MN 5 th D Omar, Ilhan 0.14288825902995525
Yea AZ 1 st D O’Halleran, Tom 0.44844901197110404
Yea NJ 6 th D Pallone, Frank 0.24088983141663844
Yea CA 20 th D Panetta, Jimmy 0.28859721775723035
Yea NH 1 st D Pappas, Chris 0.32210105461585226
Yea NJ 9 th D Pascrell, Bill 0.3171665435651602
Yea NJ 10 th D Payne, Donald 0.18486371187758308
Yea CA 12 th D Pelosi, Nancy 0.25883562692740586
Yea CO 7 th D Perlmutter, Ed 0.3564324186562094
Yea CA 52 nd D Peters, Scott 0.3832829582851783
Yea MN 7 th D Peterson, Collin 0.6791765233034558
Yea MN 3 rd D Phillips, Dean 0.4194823937087341
Yea ME 1 st D Pingree, Chellie 0.30390592765284513
Yea WI 2 nd D Pocan, Mark 0.19902743710853643
Yea CA 45 th D Porter, Katie 0.23755875343623464
Yea MA 7 th D Pressley, Ayanna 0.12080944554720192
Yea NC 4 th D Price, David 0.2865817532756682
Yea IL 5 th D Quigley, Mike 0.24285812643424526
Yea MD 8 th D Raskin, Jamie 0.13600552700486798
Yea NY 4 th D Rice, Kathleen 0.3780377064207084
Yea LA 2 nd D Richmond, Cedric 0.2614263447273435
Yea NY 11 th D Rose, Max 0.346212227308998
Yea CA 48 th D Rouda, Harley 0.30221493841391667
Yea CA 40 th D Roybal-Allard, Lucille 0.16385225041174536
Yea CA 36 th D Ruiz, Raul 0.36784576976073213
Yea MD 2 nd D Ruppersberger, A. Dutch 0.38975017246638205
Yea IL 1 st D Rush, Bobby 0.22194014440195772
Yea OH 13 th D Ryan, Tim 0.3563541591053563
Yea MD 3 rd D Sarbanes, John 0.24298455175110237
Yea PA 5 th D Scanlon, Mary 0.18681242842307597
Yea IL 9 th D Schakowsky, Jan 0.0918641046546431
Yea CA 28 th D Schiff, Adam 0.25149121584369577
Yea IL 10 th D Schneider, Brad 0.3519243789796186
Yea OR 5 th D Schrader, Kurt 0.4958379807144397
Yea WA 8 th D Schrier, Kim 0.3133464895336301
Yea GA 13 th D Scott, David 0.36836486400346197
Yea VA 3 rd D Scott, Bobby 0.19393120907871003
Yea AL 7 th D Sewell, Terri 0.3203887273045973
Yea FL 27 th D Shalala, Donna 0.24798735619486706
Yea CA 30 th D Sherman, Brad 0.3264982110562917
Yea NJ 11 th D Sherrill, Mikie 0.32231619505693254
Yea NJ 8 th D Sires, Albio 0.26832665195081296
Yea MI 8 th D Slotkin, Elissa 0.35254355079105404
Yea WA 9 th D Smith, Adam 0.17917261407448173
Yea FL 9 th D Soto, Darren 0.2318709028657517
Yea VA 7 th D Spanberger, Abigail 0.39255209424674364
Yea CA 14 th D Speier, Jackie 0.20659944671500252
Yea AZ 9 th D Stanton, Greg 0.36000436039456446
Yea MI 11 th D Stevens, Haley 0.30360206167806303
Yea NY 3 rd D Suozzi, Thomas 0.3203876891242494
Yea CA 15 th D Swalwell, Eric 0.2675933823990332
Yea CA 38 th D Sánchez, Linda 0.22547874690121222
Yea CA 41 st D Takano, Mark 0.1661903573227802
Yea MS 2 nd D Thompson, Bennie 0.23282863398833176
Yea CA 5 th D Thompson, Mike 0.3363179334534696
Yea NV 1 st D Titus, Dina 0.26443268659449176
Yea MI 13 th D Tlaib, Rashida 0.13922903934037953
Yea NY 20 th D Tonko, Paul 0.2812529136133855
Yea NM 2 nd D Torres Small, Xochitl 0.37946843553594833
Yea CA 35 th D Torres, Norma 0.26799842652344336
Yea MA 3 rd D Trahan, Lori 0.2520379796233877
Yea MD 6 th D Trone, David 0.2737607969621164
Yea IL 14 th D Underwood, Lauren 0.27970477049949977
Yea CA 51 st D Vargas, Juan 0.23750156452946478
Yea TX 34 th D Vela, Filemon 0.37145183795980424
Yea NY 7 th D Velázquez, Nydia 0.15206955372596703
Yea FL 23 rd D Wasserman Schultz, Debbie 0.21270318841816868
Yea CA 43 rd D Waters, Maxine 0.18719226033524944
Yea NJ 12 th D Watson Coleman, Bonnie 0.09725275052512261
Yea VT D Welch, Peter 0.3046149003860584
Yea VA 10 th D Wexton, Jennifer 0.2755078380386886
Yea PA 7 th D Wild, Susan 0.24735514187903457
Yea KY 3 rd D Yarmuth, John 0.2767902591571683
Yea MI 10 th R Mitchell, Paul 0.6989456101124085
Yea LA 5 th R Abraham, Ralph 0.9048324224394071
Yea AL 4 th R Aderholt, Robert 0.7169278794226249
Yea GA 12 th R Allen, Rick 0.8916772109406533
Yea NV 2 nd R Amodei, Mark 0.7133094947434401
Yea ND R Armstrong, Kelly 0.541097424522903
Yea TX 19 th R Arrington, Jodey 0.7123316067045403
Yea NE 2 nd R Bacon, Don 0.7060248800029453
Yea OH 12 th R Balderson, Troy 0.6260042582522354
Yea IN 3 rd R Banks, Jim 0.8233610425762448
Yea KY 6 th R Barr, Andy 0.8694741859521612
Yea MI 1 st R Bergman, Jack 0.6391860195720108
Yea FL 12 th R Bilirakis, Gus 0.766133799391648
Yea NC 9 th R Bishop, Dan 0.8342202650912803
Yea UT 1 st R Bishop, Rob 0.7121913133116582
Yea IL 12 th R Bost, Mike 0.7555325225842855
Yea TX 8 th R Brady, Kevin 0.6457660753548189
Yea AL 5 th R Brooks, Mo 0.8471962251912011
Yea FL 16 th R Buchanan, Vern 0.5702265725847228
Yea IN 8 th R Bucshon, Larry 0.7392927366870939
Yea NC 13 th R Budd, Ted 0.8320502063449882
Yea TN 2 nd R Burchett, Tim 0.5575769237935818
Yea TX 26 th R Burgess, Michael 0.7474188701299429
Yea AL 1 st R Byrne, Bradley 0.84636618231825
Yea CA 42 nd R Calvert, Ken 0.701807300821617
Yea GA 1 st R Carter, Earl 0.8164233527464952
Yea OH 1 st R Chabot, Steve 0.8308229294867784
Yea WY R Cheney, Liz 0.6415244788125072
Yea VA 6 th R Cline, Ben 0.5832879261765008
Yea TX 27 th R Cloud, Michael 0.6130411299585755
Yea OK 4 th R Cole, Tom 0.7902947526772266
Yea GA 9 th R Collins, Doug 0.7198129520007827
Yea KY 1 st R Comer, James 0.6684141941222055
Yea TX 11 th R Conaway, Michael 0.7484117388921308
Yea AR 1 st R Crawford, Eric 0.8072931343903886
Yea TX 2 nd R Crenshaw, Dan 0.6054117288554339
Yea UT 3 rd R Curtis, John 0.6104532087293271
Yea OH 8 th R Davidson, Warren 0.6530311213484117
Yea IL 13 th R Davis, Rodney 0.7357458707078545
Yea TN 4 th R DesJarlais, Scott 0.8596294943904194
Yea FL 25 th R Diaz-Balart, Mario 0.6142045310798572
Yea SC 3 rd R Duncan, Jeff 0.964285626677489
Yea FL 2 nd R Dunn, Neal 0.7285713627326961
Yea MN 6 th R Emmer, Tom 0.8055677684004774
Yea KS 4 th R Estes, Ron 0.6479743854428108
Yea GA 3 rd R Ferguson, Drew 0.6877535259679461
Yea PA 1 st R Fitzpatrick, Brian 0.5685281411145745
Yea TN 3 rd R Fleischmann, Chuck 0.7184960117357697
Yea TX 17 th R Flores, Bill 0.8800139659855502
Yea NE 1 st R Fortenberry, Jeff 0.6902826392407794
Yea NC 5 th R Foxx, Virginia 0.5872507738028633
Yea ID 1 st R Fulcher, Russ 0.5463971531715215
Yea FL 1 st R Gaetz, Matt 0.8262615390865635
Yea WI 8 th R Gallagher, Mike 0.7183368354689599
Yea MT R Gianforte, Greg 0.7135899681304531
Yea OH 7 th R Gibbs, Bob 0.9036178050657159
Yea TX 1 st R Gohmert, Louie 0.8855633676642866
Yea OH 16 th R Gonzalez, Anthony 0.5332441279308141
Yea TX 5 th R Gooden, Lance 0.6131175189128141
Yea AZ 4 th R Gosar, Paul 1.0
Yea TX 12 th R Granger, Kay 0.6095014830768227
Yea LA 6 th R Graves, Garret 0.6407789625897584
Yea MO 6 th R Graves, Sam 0.7036821108658907
Yea GA 14 th R Graves, Tom 0.8342202650912803
Yea TN 7 th R Green, Mark E. 0.6020675585518452
Yea VA 9 th R Griffith, Morgan 0.7005732207516003
Yea WI 6 th R Grothman, Glenn 0.9091790171858165
Yea MS 3 rd R Guest, Michael 0.58303006622566
Yea KY 2 nd R Guthrie, Brett 0.7387430502656811
Yea MN 1 st R Hagedorn, Jim 0.8342202650912803
Yea MD 1 st R Harris, Andy 0.8344209238112476
Yea MO 4 th R Hartzler, Vicky 0.9077626521504846
Yea OK 1 st R Hern, Kevin 0.6250956038184686
Yea WA 3 rd R Herrera Beutler, Jaime 0.6013095448567058
Yea LA 3 rd R Higgins, Clay 0.6672005897534894
Yea AR 2 nd R Hill, French 0.725481928454413
Yea NC 2 nd R Holding, George 0.6577054205591302
Yea IN 9 th R Hollingsworth, Trey 0.5587164716565948
Yea NC 8 th R Hudson, Richard 0.8292915084732728
Yea MI 2 nd R Huizenga, Bill 0.7618888803670616
Yea TX 23 rd R Hurd, Will 0.627714452944619
Yea OH 6 th R Johnson, Bill 0.8134953006874834
Yea SD R Johnson, Dusty 0.5391514575071631
Yea LA 4 th R Johnson, Mike 0.7159664644717826
Yea OH 4 th R Jordan, Jim 0.685511410051502
Yea OH 14 th R Joyce, David 0.7117582016424804
Yea PA 13 th R Joyce, John 0.8342202650912803
Yea NY 24 th R Katko, John 0.6089375563646818
Yea PA 12 th R Keller, Fred 0.5560254748961664
Yea MS 1 st R Kelly, Trent 0.7804238098157958
Yea NY 2 nd R King, Pete 0.6071568027896187
Yea IA 4 th R King, Steve 0.8785444767628033
Yea IL 16 th R Kinzinger, Adam 0.6639815073157131
Yea TN 8 th R Kustoff, David 0.6542347882150965
Yea IL 18 th R LaHood, Darin 0.7105270887560073
Yea CA 1 st R LaMalfa, Doug 0.9220100060367962
Yea CO 5 th R Lamborn, Doug 0.8355243142891328
Yea OH 5 th R Latta, Robert 0.8209752527367351
Yea AZ 8 th R Lesko, Debbie 0.7698354315496776
Yea MO 7 th R Long, Billy 0.785984809890634
Yea GA 11 th R Loudermilk, Barry 0.8073930947942494
Yea OK 3 rd R Lucas, Frank 0.675876435473775
Yea MO 3 rd R Luetkemeyer, Blaine 0.8114522744705501
Yea FL 18 th R Mast, Brian 0.6285812205756741
Yea CA 23 rd R McCarthy, Kevin 0.4350087992055393
Yea TX 10 th R McCaul, Michael 0.740485908593465
Yea CA 4 th R McClintock, Tom 0.7839222731471052
Yea WV 1 st R McKinley, David 0.7530188650712077
Yea WA 5 th R McMorris Rodgers, Cathy 0.7077371944125576
Yea PA 9 th R Meuser, Daniel 0.8342202650912803
Yea WV 3 rd R Miller, Carol 0.5641973355044858
Yea MI 4 th R Moolenaar, John 0.7374559938080774
Yea WV 2 nd R Mooney, Alexander 0.9112974313141601
Yea OK 2 nd R Mullin, Markwayne 0.7519429105894602
Yea NC 3 rd R Murphy, Gregory 0.5465071750698338
Yea WA 4 th R Newhouse, Dan 0.8087984859925194
Yea SC 5 th R Norman, Ralph 0.9254739666332441
Yea CA 22 nd R Nunes, Devin 0.5767709573293401
Yea TX 22 nd R Olson, Pete 0.9115742632902031
Yea MS 4 th R Palazzo, Steven 0.8339584534348515
Yea AL 6 th R Palmer, Gary 0.6997643668049316
Yea IN 6 th R Pence, Greg 0.5413963716048934
Yea PA 10 th R Perry, Scott 0.8212464666387594
Yea FL 8 th R Posey, Bill 0.8793034140826954
Yea TX 4 th R Ratcliffe, John 0.7700051634090086
Yea NY 23 rd R Reed, Tom 0.5956246076740871
Yea PA 14 th R Reschenthaler, Guy 0.6043709300470077
Yea SC 7 th R Rice, Tom 0.705716671775903
Yea VA 5 th R Riggleman, Denver 0.643896901496572
Yea AL 2 nd R Roby, Martha 0.623744375751507
Yea TN 1 st R Roe, Phil 0.9151379412417581
Yea AL 3 rd R Rogers, Mike 0.7235924259254601
Yea TN 6 th R Rose, John W. 0.8342202650912803
Yea NC 7 th R Rouzer, David 0.9305359549045445
Yea TX 21 st R Roy, Chip 0.5743890277179083
Yea FL 4 th R Rutherford, John 0.7080636984287229
Yea LA 1 st R Scalise, Steve 0.6291095294284189
Yea AZ 6 th R Schweikert, David 0.7587397290039631
Yea GA 8 th R Scott, Austin 0.8349204182651712
Yea ID 2 nd R Simpson, Mike 0.608513568248489
Yea NE 3 rd R Smith, Adrian 0.6670586120401023
Yea NJ 4 th R Smith, Chris 0.5924751526454727
Yea MO 8 th R Smith, Jason 0.7900449110073352
Yea PA 11 th R Smucker, Lloyd 0.6648028816557703
Yea FL 15 th R Spano, Ross 0.6387323735240962
Yea MN 8 th R Stauber, Pete 0.5547695606742599
Yea NY 21 st R Stefanik, Elise 0.7339475829075195
Yea WI 1 st R Steil, Bryan 0.5154489622957826
Yea FL 17 th R Steube, Gregory 0.6930239090407546
Yea UT 2 nd R Stewart, Chris 0.7786400934472186
Yea OH 15 th R Stivers, Steve 0.7962553176147935
Yea TX 3 rd R Taylor, Van 0.508461643938331
Yea PA 15 th R Thompson, Glenn 0.7894504225450316
Yea TX 13 th R Thornberry, Mac 0.5865307040138308
Yea SC 4 th R Timmons, William 0.8342202650912803
Yea CO 3 rd R Tipton, Scott 0.8393451934698357
Yea OH 10 th R Turner, Michael 0.6959254432976313
Yea MI 6 th R Upton, Fred 0.5746116391325908
Yea NJ 2 nd R Van Drew, Jefferson 0.4684127847132845
Yea MO 2 nd R Wagner, Ann 0.794942211383731
Yea MI 7 th R Walberg, Tim 0.7763841252870994
Yea OR 2 nd R Walden, Greg 0.6048674411116315
Yea NC 6 th R Walker, Mark 0.7692074942472267
Yea IN 2 nd R Walorski, Jackie 0.7858466419634599
Yea FL 6 th R Waltz, Michael 0.5853255505877069
Yea KS 2 nd R Watkins, Steven 0.8342202650912803
Yea TX 14 th R Weber, Randy 0.9554032244035012
Yea OH 2 nd R Wenstrup, Brad 0.7604900032222173
Yea AR 4 th R Westerman, Bruce 0.8295689805175405
Yea TX 25 th R Williams, Roger 0.8052031916057528
Yea SC 2 nd R Wilson, Joe 0.8059538513251064
Yea VA 1 st R Wittman, Robert 0.7913497670963312
Yea AR 3 rd R Womack, Steve 0.6921032402401035
Yea GA 7 th R Woodall, Rob 0.5536866438545146
Yea FL 3 rd R Yoho, Ted 0.9104909771399478
Yea AK R Young, Don 0.670967631389399
Yea NY 1 st R Zeldin, Lee 0.6662488276003835
Nay NY 14 th D Ocasio-Cortez, Alexandria 0.1549514985441244
Nay AZ 5 th R Biggs, Andy 0.7865567689655796
Nay CO 4 th R Buck, Ken 0.7358260353478133
Nay GA 10 th R Hice, Jody 0.9332322331235507
Nay KY 4 th R Massie, Thomas 0.6192987743172642
No Vote CA 44 th D Barragán, Nanette 0.13864940094525327
No Vote CA 29 th D Cárdenas, Tony 0.2479447557806542
No Vote CA 11 th D DeSaulnier, Mark 0.14484917337006142
No Vote TX 35 th D Doggett, Lloyd 0.2847676882227575
No Vote AZ 3 rd D Grijalva, Raúl 0.07545605669029119
No Vote FL 20 th D Hastings, Alcee 0.16608261247989814
No Vote TX 30 th D Johnson, Eddie 0.20845627689734528
No Vote FL 5 th D Lawson, Al 0.29130298693823237
No Vote GA 5 th D Lewis, John R. 0.17614682512659563
No Vote CA 33 rd D Lieu, Ted 0.23546496290229743
No Vote IL 3 rd D Lipinski, Daniel 0.4327678379148165
No Vote CA 19 th D Lofgren, Zoe 0.26650435476288
No Vote CA 47 th D Lowenthal, Alan 0.18117261565397882
No Vote NY 17 th D Lowey, Nita 0.2596863633840326
No Vote WI 4 th D Moore, Gwen 0.12054784287194067
No Vote CA 32 nd D Napolitano, Grace 0.17772077647878645
No Vote NY 15 th D Serrano, José 0.13497472834288868
No Vote TX 33 rd D Veasey, Marc 0.30181402186947687
No Vote IN 1 st D Visclosky, Peter 0.25883562692740586
No Vote FL 24 th D Wilson, Frederica 0.13984043448943922
No Vote TX 36 th R Babin, Brian 0.9744603991924494
No Vote IN 4 th R Baird, James 0.5852714262695197
No Vote IN 5 th R Brooks, Susan 0.6889178103051758
No Vote TX 31 st R Carter, John R. 0.6703381736670023
No Vote CA 8 th R Cook, Paul 0.7500354854282478
No Vote PA 16 th R Kelly, Mike 0.8062148353485039
No Vote TX 24 th R Marchant, Kenny 0.7475510719550373
No Vote KS 1 st R Marshall, Roger 0.8312865483485987
No Vote NC 10 th R McHenry, Patrick 0.6109033531659719
No Vote KY 5 th R Rogers, Hal 0.5917080119138443
No Vote FL 19 th R Rooney, Francis 0.6240965447619982
No Vote WI 5 th R Sensenbrenner, James 0.7289869762492268
No Vote IL 15 th R Shimkus, John 0.6592527373917398
No Vote FL 11 th R Webster, Daniel 0.7220141975608074
No Vote TX 6 th R Wright, Ron 0.7120304149708769
Present MI 3 rd I Amash, Justin 0.4427081930075124

Statistically Notable Votes

Statistically notable votes are the votes that are most surprising, or least predictable, given how other members of each voter’s party voted and other factors.