Dutrow Elementary engages in a rigorous academic environment with a focus on global issues and an international perspective. Education for a global perspective is learning which enhances the ability to understand our own place in the community and world in order to make more effective judgments. It includes the study of nations, cultures, and civilizations. Our students are exposed to four dimensions of global awareness; perspective consciousness, planet awareness, cross-cultural awareness, and awareness of human choices.
Dutrow Elementary was designed for open concept education. Each pod accommodates 50 to 100 students and two to four teachers, who work together as a team. At Dutrow, there are no physical barriers between curriculum areas, nor is there a typical "front of the room." In this setting, activities and groupings are flexible and can be adjusted to meet the instructional needs of students. The learning style at Dutrow is relaxed, yet stimulating — for both students and teachers. As students progress through the program, they master increasingly complex learning tasks. Students at Dutrow are able to experience different global issues and an international perspective since they will receive a Global Studies class once a week.
The open learning environment fosters thinking and problem-solving skills, innovation, questioning, experimentation and active learning through investigation. It encourages students to become purposeful, self-directed learners and builds teamwork skills. It is an environment for students serious about their learning and respectful of the learning of others around them.
All children are eligible to apply for the Global Studies magnet program, which serves kindergarten through fifth grade. It is especially appropriate for students who focus on learning, concentrate well, enjoy working in groups, are selfdirected, motivated to learn a second language and express an interest in global awareness. Students are selected by computer lottery. Siblings of the current year's Global Studies kindergarten through fourth-grade magnet students will receive priority admission for the next school year.
All students who wish to attend magnet programs must submit an application by the January deadline. Applications are available at any Newport News school, the Administration Building and on the Newport News Public Schools website at www.nnschools.org/magnet.
Transportation is provided to all magnet programs.
Parents are expected to be full partners in education in the Global Studies Magnet Program and to: