Press Release Do’s and Don’ts: Your Guide to Press Release Perfection

Crafting an effective press release is an essential skill for any public relations professional or communications specialist. Whether you’re unveiling a new product, announcing a partnership, or managing a crisis, your press release should be succinct, persuasive, and engaging enough to grab the attention of journalists and your intended audience.

Whether you're new to press release writing or a seasoned veteran, this article serves as a valuable guide. Keep these essential tips in mind as you draft your next announcement to ensure clarity, impact, and effective communication. Sharpen your pencils! Let's explore ways to improve your press release strategy.

Understanding the Basics

  1. Who is involved?
  2. What is happening?
  3. Where is it occurring?
  4. When will it take place?
  5. Why is it significant?

These questions provide the backbone of your content, ensuring clarity and relevance.

Start by identifying the key players (Who), the main event or announcement (What), the location or context (Where), the timing (When), and the significance (Why). Addressing these questions ensures your release establishes a compelling narrative from the outset.

Do's of Writing a Press Release

Draft a Compelling Headline

The headline is your first chance to grab attention. Headlines should be eye-catching and concise. A strong headline piques interest and summarizes the key points of your news succinctly. Avoid vague language; be direct and specific. Add a subheadline that supports your headline and provides more detail.

Keep It Concise and Structured

Press releases should follow the inverted pyramid structure, presenting the most critical information first. Begin with a brief, impactful first paragraph, followed by supporting details. Aim for brevity; journalists appreciate concise, well-organized content. Avoid lengthy paragraphs and keep sentences short.

Your press release’s first paragraph (or lead or lede) is crucial for capturing your audience's attention. Instead of using formulaic language (“Today, Smith & Company, the leader in AI technology, announces…”), opt for a more engaging approach by incorporating creative verbs and avoiding fact-packed paragraphs that overwhelm with details. Take a look at these examples. Get creative and avoid stale press release openings, and journalists and readers will be compelled to learn more.

Include Quotes and Statistics

Quotes from key figures add authority and human interest to your press release. Ensure quotes are relevant and offer insight beyond the basic facts. Additionally, incorporating statistics and data can strengthen your message, providing tangible evidence to support your claims.

Provide a Boilerplate

A boilerplate is a brief paragraph at the end of the press release, summarizing your company’s background and achievements. It provides context and credibility, helping journalists quickly understand who you are. Include key facts, milestones, and a link to your website for further information.

Image with a figure wearing a jacket and tie holding a magnifying glass over a checkmark on a piece of paper next to text that says Download Business Wire

Business Wire’s complimentary press release features are designed to enhance the effectiveness and reach of your announcements. These features include:

Take advantage of these complimentary features and boost your audience engagement, improve search engine rankings, and increase the likelihood of media pickup.

Don’ts of Writing a Press Release

Avoid Overly Promotional Language

Press releases should maintain an objective, factual tone. Avoid sounding like an advertisement. Present your news in a straightforward manner, using quotes to highlight positive aspects. Overly promotional language can undermine credibility and turn off journalists.

Don’t Use Jargon and Acronyms

Clarity is paramount. Avoid using industry-specific jargon and acronyms that might confuse readers. Assume your audience is not familiar with your field’s terminology. Simplifying language ensures your message is accessible to a broader audience.

Steer Clear of Long, Complex Sentences

Long, complex sentences can overwhelm and lose readers. Aim for short, direct sentences that convey your message clearly. Use bullet points or subheadings to break up text and improve readability. This makes it easier for journalists to quickly grasp the key points.

Don’t Forget Proofreading

Proofreading is essential to avoid embarrassing errors. A fresh set of eyes can catch mistakes you might have missed. Have a colleague review your press release for typos, grammatical errors, and factual inaccuracies. They can also offer perspectives on clarity and relevance. This step can significantly enhance the quality and professionalism of your release.

Using AI in Press Release Writing

AI-powered tools are revolutionizing public relations and investor relations by automating content creation, brainstorming ideas, and providing tailored communication. These tools can draft pitches, press releases, script outlines, and social media posts, enhancing efficiency for communications professionals. While AI offers numerous benefits, it requires careful oversight to avoid inaccuracies and maintain ethical standards. Combining AI’s capabilities with human expertise ensures more effective and accurate content.

Proofreading and Grammar Checks

Grammarly and Hemingway are excellent AI tools that can help you check for grammatical mistakes. They also suggest improvements, helping you produce polished, professional content.

Did you know? Business Wire has a team of editors, ready to proofread your press release before it crosses the wire. Our experts average 12+ years of tenure. Put their eagle eyes to work next time you distribute your news with us.

Rewording and Enhancing Clarity

AI-powered tools like QuillBot can help rephrase sentences for better readability and engagement. Restructuring a sentence or swapping out a few words can enhance the clarity and flow of your release, making your announcement more effective.

Generating Ideas and Outlines

AI can also assist in brainstorming and outlining your press release. Tools like ChatGPT can generate ideas, draft outlines, and even suggest key points to include. This can save time and inspire creative approaches to your press release writing.

Leveraging Multimedia to Enhance Your Press Release

Multimedia elements can significantly boost the engagement and effectiveness of your press release. High-quality images, short videos, and infographics can make your content more appealing and easier to digest.

When selecting multimedia, ensure it complements your text and supports your key points. Optimized multimedia elements can also enhance SEO performance, improving your press release’s visibility. By strategically incorporating multimedia, you can create a more engaging and impactful press release that captures attention and conveys your message effectively.

Additionally, multimedia assets can increase shareability on social media platforms, further extending your reach. Embedding relevant videos and interactive content can also foster a deeper connection with your audience, making your message more memorable.

Master Your Next Press Release

Writing an effective press release requires a blend of strategy, clarity, and innovation. By following these tips and testing new tools, you can create compelling press releases that capture attention and convey your message effectively. Whether you’re new to press releases or a seasoned professional, these guidelines serve as a valuable resource for crafting impactful communications. Keep refining your skills, stay updated with industry trends, and continuously refine your approach to stay ahead.

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